Newborn and Baby photographer



Mum. Photographer. Baby Whisperer.

I’m not a cool mum, I’m a regular mum - and I am ok with that!

I don’t always look like I do in the pictures. As a matter of fact, when you meet me at the studio, I will most likely be dressed in all black, sporting a Mum Bun and definitely not wearing shoes.

My aim is always to keep you comfortable and part of that is me feeling comfortable too. I want you to know, you are Welcome in my space and you are loved and accepted as you are - even with the dried up baby vomit and the 5o bags you have spent 3 hours packing - I’ve been there too.

I am so thankful you have taken the time to get to know me a little and I can't wait to get to know you and your loved ones.

Michelle xoxo

Being a mum is the most exciting, challenging and wonderful thing I have ever done and will ever do in my life. My Boys are my world - I know you know what I mean, even if your little one is not earthside yet. But I also know how quickly it goes.

I started sneaking photos of them sleeping when they were babies (and I still do!). I wanted to keep that moment to look back on whenever I wanted - just for me.

Little Wisp was born to help other people capture this time. This business and the people it has brought into my life is an absolute blessing.

My Why

 Ready to make moments into memories?